Mitosis is a process in which a fully mature cell splits into two daughter cells, making whatever organism containing those cells slightly larger. Mitosis is broken up  into phases. Each phase has a different part of mitosis. The interphase: The interphase is what stage most cells are in. It is the phase that takes up most of the cell's life. At the end of the interphase, DNA is replicated. Next comes the prophase: It is when the DNA molecules condense. The nuclear membrane and nucleolus are now no longer visible. Next is the metaphase: When the chromosomes align themselves at the equator of the cell. Then anaphase begins: This is when the two DNA strands separate and move to opposite sides of the cell. Then comes the second-to-last stage, telophase: When a nuclear membrane forms around the chromosomes and a nucleolus forms in each nuclear membrane. Then comes the final stage, cytokinesis: It's the stage in which the cell splits into two new daughter cells. 

This process takes from 1/2 to 1 1/2 hours. If you feel that I excluded some things, please comment on this post. Make sure to also check out my other Science Solutions blogs and my Science Digital Portfolio! Thank you!

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